Defeat Your Cravings, LLC wants you to be fully informed when you purchase from us, our endorsers, or any third party we may link to or recommend on any of our sites. We take pride in our products, services, and recommendations, and want our visitors to get the maximum positive results from their purchases, whether this be in direct profit, education, or peace of mind. In this light we believe it's important for you to understand the following facts before making a purchase from any of our sites, or any site we may refer you to through third party links:
Primary Evidence of Success: The primary evidence of success you might rely are the tracked results of 2,048 clients in Glenn Livingston's previous program to help overeaters, conducted in a previous corporation over the course of more than three years. (Defeat Your Cravings evolved from this program.) Most of these clients engaged with their coaches at least every other day (“engaged client”), and those who did reduced their problem eating by an average of 89.4% during the first month, as evidenced by self report. This is the typical result for engaged clients, not a statistical outlier or anecdotal testimonial. Those who did not engage were in the minority, and, as you might expect, achieved little if any results. We were able to reach a small portion of engaged clients six months to one year later and determined that those who continued to utilize the tools we'd taught them (and engage with our podcast and forums) continued to report a significant reduction in both weight and overeating behavior, though not as high as after the first month. Because the volume of people reporting at this stage was much less than the 2,048 clients originally tracked, the percentage reduction in problem eating reported (in the 50% to 60% range) must be considered only a guestimate subject to statistical fluctuation. Still, it's an indication that those who choose to utilize the tools and information taught in the program continued to strongly benefit from their experience.
Personal Responsibility: Notwithstanding the above results, Defeat Your Cravings, LLC is a firm advocate of free will and maintains that all eating behavior is a choice. Defeat Your Cravings, LLC will not treat you, give you a pill, perform surgery, hypnosis, and/or do anything "to" you which will force you to stop overeating. There are licensed professionals elsewhere who offer these services, but all we offer is education and information about overeating and defeating cravings which has been reported by many to help them stop over-indulging their cravings and eat more healthfully. We will work very hard to impart information you may not currently have and help you understand how to use it to make better choices and extinguish troublesome cravings, but we offer NO miracles and/or cures for any disease, disorder, and/or condition. Ultimately, how you eat is up to you. If you do not accept this we request you do not purchase our products and/or services.
Glenn Livingston's Personal Success: Glenn Livingston's personal success spans not only his personal defeat of cravings and achievement of a normal body weight after decades of struggle, but also unique exposure to (and opportunities in) both clinical psychology and business. It would be unreasonable to assume you will achieve the exact same results because Glenn's background is unique, as is every individual's.
Notice of Affiliate Tracking Links and Commissions Received By Our Company: Our policy when linking to third party sites is to (a) only link to sites we can genuinely recommend and endorse unless otherwise qualified in the proximate vicinity of the link and (b) use affiliate tracking links whenever they are available so we might profit from the time, energy, and work which goes into identifying and reviewing these valuable resources. You should assume we have a financial relationship with third party sites unless explicitly stated otherwise, and as such should not rely entirely upon our recommendation when making your purchase decision.
Notice of Affiliate Tracking Links and Commissions Received By Our Endorsers: Similar to the above, some of our endorsers may receive an affiliate commission if you visit our site as a result of their endorsement and/or by clicking a link on their websites, so you should do your own due diligence before purchasing anything from Defeat Your Cravings, LLC.
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