Author, Coach
From: Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. in Pompano Beach, Florida
RE: Personal coaching and consulting
Imagine what you could achieve with your health, fitness, and weight if you weren’t constantly struggling with food cravings. No matter the diet - ketogenic, whole food plant based, point counting, calorie counting, vegetarian, raw food, etc. - eventually you’re faced with extremely powerful urges to break your plan. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard “The only way I could ever stop overeating is if I didn’t have cravings”, I'd be a rich man!
Cravings are the plague of the 21st century. The food industry spends millions engineering hyperpalatable, food-like substances designed to hit the bliss point in the reptilian brain without providing enough nutrition to feel satisfied. Then, they pay the advertising industry a fortune to convince us we need their wares. Most people think advertising doesn’t affect them, but it affects us more when we think that because it lowers sales resistance.
And, of course, in modern society everyone supports each other to slowly kill themselves with food: “Everything in moderation!” “Just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt!” Very funny, but it's a perfect storm, and people are really suffering. Did you know two out of three adults are overweight according to the World Health Organization? Or that obesity rates have tripled since 1975? Diabetes is also up by 80.8%, and cardiovascular disease is responsible for 31% of global deaths. It’s horrendous.
But what if you could turn off those “irresistible” cravings and confidently eat only what your higher self thinks best? What if you could get your cravings to leave you alone, so you could stick to your food plans and focus your energy on family, friends, work, the outdoors, or whatever else is most important to you instead?
It’s entirely possible, and, in fact, probable if you’ll let me take you by the hand and guide you for a little while. I know it’s difficult to believe from where you sit now, but…
For approximately eight years my team and I worked with almost 2,000 clients using an earlier version of the methods in the program described on this page. During the last three of those years, we carefully tracked results. 1,171 of our clients reported in, and on average, those who engaged achieved an 89.4% reduction in frequency of overeating episodes after just 30 days! This represents the typical result for active clients who check in with their coach at least every other day. As you might expect, clients who did not engage got minimal results, but the majority of clients did engage.
(DISCLOSURE: The following section contains pictures and stories of dramatic weight loss and life transformation. It would be unreasonable to assume just taking our program would cause you to lose any specific amount of weight. Most engaged clients do lose at least some, but the amounts represented by the success stories below are unusual. Weight loss is NOT the goal of our program. Rather, we aim to give you back control over your eating and reduce cravings, urges, and food obsession. Losing inches is a side effect of this process. Nevertheless, these are REAL stories from REAL people. See typical results above as well as the full legal disclosure and testimonial results statement for more details.)
Below are some before and after shots from people who went through this program. For example, consider Yvonne, who begun her journey, smack in the middle of the Pandemic…
Or Scott, who dropped 84 pounds...
Or Kimberley, before and after using my teachings (show here with her father in both pictures)…
Or Russell, who sent me these pictures on the approximate day he reached his 100th pound of weight loss, going from 300 to 200 in about eighteen months. (These are the kinds of stories which make me leap out of bed in the morning and get to work!)
Now, this program was based on my previous book, which is arguably the best-selling book on overeating (ever), with more than 19,272 reviews and almost two million readers worldwide. However, this older book was published in 2015 and has only been modestly updated since…
In contrast, the new book “Defeat Your Cravings”, as well as the coaching program described on this page, is a comprehensive update intended to dramatically improve and entirely replace the first one. It’s here you’ll find wisdom derived from years of painstaking work in the trenches with almost 2,000 clients, adjusted for more recent, evidence-based techniques and scientific research.
Even though the old program was so successful, we didn’t have support groups every single day of the week, and, more importantly, there was NO real-time, one-on-one, direct coaching via phone or zoom. Individual coaching was email based unless you paid extra for phone/zoom. This always bothered me because progress is never strictly related to the information a coach provides, but rather to their ability to get the client to love and trust them enough to think new thoughts, try new behaviors, and leave their comfort zone.
Yes, we became exceptionally good at establishing trust via email and group calls, but without the intimate one-on-one time I still felt we were missing something important. I also knew from experience there are some important things clients won’t reveal in the absence of a LIVE, one on one relationship.
The old program also only provided intense email coaching for just thirty days before dropping back to twice a week. While most clients report dramatic results in the first thirty days, I always felt they’d do even better if we could provide more one-on-one real-time contact. Last, 30 days seemed way too short!
So, despite the life-changing results, I set out to dramatically improve things. The NEW “Defeat Your Cravings” program is described below:
THE FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU GET DURING THE FIRST NINETY DAYS IS ONE-ON-ONE COACHING: Address all your personal questions, overcome sticking points, and maximize the odds of permanently defeating your cravings.
The purpose of this intensive, individual coaching is to turn this from "just another program" into a truly life changing experience! Most programs give you a bunch of videos with a little coaching, but we want you to be immersed in personal contact and support from experts who’ve done it themselves. We don't want to just inform you, we want to TRANSFORM you.
Of course, we’ll give you videos too, but the coaching really is the secret sauce. And it works just a little differently depending upon whether you choose to work with one of my Master Coaches vs. me personally:
KICKSTART SESSION: A full, 45-minute session will be scheduled with your Master Coach ASAP. Assess current struggles, formulate the simplest possible Food Plan to begin, and work through motivation and resistance to get moving fast!
SUBSEQUENT SESSIONS: Schedule as many 15 minute follow up sessions as you like during your 90-day one-on-one coaching period provided you and your coach agree on clear and meaningful actions after each session, leave at least five days in between to take action on the insights, use the automated scheduling link, and send a half-page email summarizing where you are before each meeting. Oh, and only one session on the calendar at any given time please.
CANCELLATIONS, NO-SHOWS, AND RESCHEDULING: You may miss and/or short-notice reschedule (less than 48 hours) one session as a courtesy during your individual coaching period. After this, there is a $35 charge for such events. This policy is necessary to make things manageable for all, and has the added benefit of circumventing any Food Monster attempts to avoid the sessions. (Hiding is by far the primary enemy of progress in this program!)
You’re never more than 24 hours away from a LIVE group because they’re now scheduled every day of the week (including weekends) at all different times of morning, afternoon, and evening to accommodate clients all around the world! I run three of them myself, and my Master Coaches run the rest. My coaches may also occasionally cover for me (or each other).
Besides providing daily coaching and accountability, these calls allow you to benefit from others' experience, strength, hope and wisdom, as well as their slips, falls, and mistakes. These groups are recorded and available for replay for 30 days.
"It was very helpful to listen to other people - actually I think that was the most important part of it. We live in our own mind and that can be very alienating... but with these calls it just seems like everyone is on the same page... like EVERYONE!" – Alim.
You’ll get ten step-by-step videos to walk you through the process and lead you beyond the book to truly master the art of defeating your cravings and accomplishing your goals. These presentations are each approximately one hour long and are pre-recorded and released once per week starting on your date of purchase. I write and record them all myself. They go beyond the book to really dig into the sticking points and value builds which we've observed in helping hundreds of people through the Defeat Your Cravings method!
Each of the ten videos is accompanied by a short, written challenge which can be the basis for your follow-up steps between sessions. Every step builds on the previous one to engineer a total eating transformation! "What was most helpful for me was the tasks [...] they just solidified so many things for me!" – Erika
There’s good evidence suggesting group intervention may result in significantly more weight loss (and food rule compliance) than information and/or individual coaching alone. That’s why you’ll get access to our client community – a group of likeminded people who buy into the method and actively support each other to successfully implement:
In sum, during your 90 days with the Defeat Your Cravings program you’ll get tremendous handholding and individual guidance through the very practical pieces and parts of the method, along with detailed, step-by-step instructional videos to overcome sticking points, and bring it all to life. You’ll have daily group support and every opportunity to ask questions and work through your own personal struggles. We’ll assist you to develop the perfect custom food plan for your needs, and most importantly, show you how to overcome the crazy things your lower self says to get you to break your own rules! As an added bonus, we've enabled anonymous profiles so, unlike Facebook groups, if you don't want people to know your real name you needn't share it.
Now, you might be wondering…
(Testimonials on this page from actual paying clients in Glenn's previous programs)
Carol says "That was stellar, stellar information!"
The point of this program is to get you to successfully DO what’s in the book - to take you from information to implementation! The video instruction is constructed with this in mind.
Video #1: Isolate Destructive Food Thoughts So You Can Stop Acting On Them! If you can’t recognize the thoughts which justify indulging your cravings, you’ll forever be their slave. See how to permanently separate from your worst food thoughts so you can take control. Even if you're already comfortable with the idea of using crystal-clear food rules to isolate destructive food thoughts, this section will significantly strengthen your foundation:
Sally says it's the best thing that ever happened to her!
Video #2: Eradicate Excuses for Indulgence! Discover how to clearly articulate and disempower your lower-self’s excuses to give in. Expose the errors and inconsistencies in your Pig’s logic so you can stop falling for its lies! Win the battle between your ears so you can stop arguing with yourself about food all day and get on with your life. Eating doesn't have to consume all your time, thoughts, and energy. It can be something you just confidently handle in the background...
“Most people never stop to separate from the Lizard brain and ask why it’s lying” - Eileen
"Puts you right back into your neocortex [...] that was all really effective." - Lisa
“It really helps with that weird “monkey mind” that I’ve always had as a dieter” - Carol
Video #3: Turn Off the False Alarms in Your Brain That Make You Want to “Consume Mass Quantities!” Do you ever feel like your best thinking just doesn’t matter when every bone in your body screams for pizza, pasta, bread, bagels, chips, ice cream or some other delicious treat? The modern food environment is very good at creating the false perception of an “urgent” need for their wares. This unfortunately can turn off our brain’s ability to think logically. See how to reverse this process!
Video #4: Motivation That Doesn’t Suck! Find Sustainable Motivation to Carry You to Goal! (Even—and perhaps especially—when you don’t feel like sticking to your stupid food rules anymore.)
April loves listening to her big why every day!
Matthew found the Big Why helpful to help keep him focused and on track!
Liv says her relationships with her mother and children are much better because we helped her stop obsessing about food and to become more present with them!
Matthew found lots of time and energy when he stopped overeating and dealing with constant cravings.
Nancy realized focusing on shame was just another way to keep the vicious overeating cycle going…
Video #5: Extinguish Your Cravings! Most people don’t understand the details behind the cravings extinction mechanism, so they never fully complete the process. In fact, they often reinforce their cravings without thinking! Sadly, this has led to an epidemic of people who feel it’s impossible to defeat their cravings when just a few tweaks could make all the difference!
Video #6: How to Automate Motivation at the Moment of Impulse! What if you could arrange for your most constructive thinking about food to pop up automatically whenever you were about to eat?
Video #7: Have a Recovery Plan! Perhaps the most important distinguishing factor for people who succeed with the cravings is the willingness and ability to get back up if they happen to fall. Winners do all they can to learn from every experience so they can "stop the boomerang" and truly defeat their cravings!
Miranda stopped her Pig from plunging her into guilt and self-pity and it made all the difference
Video #8: How to Leverage the Community for Support! See how to participate in a constructive, cooperative, and loving atmosphere in which everyone can take risks and grow:
Video #9: Leaving the Diet Mentality Behind!
Nancy didn't focus on losing weight immediately.
Instead, she decided to use the program to
just stop GAINING weight and stop eating at
night. After a while, because she no longer had
massive overeating episodes and was eating
healthier, the weight started coming off.
WARNING: Dieting leads to binging, and serious dieting leads to serious binging! Both scenarios make it impossible to permanently defeat your cravings because you’re constantly resetting the extinction curve. Unfortunately, the allure of fast weight reduction, social reinforcement for quickly looking thinner, and the promise of escaping current “fatness” make dieting and over-restriction very seductive. In this crucial video you’ll:
Video #10: How to Create Winning Habits Across the Rest of Your Life - Shopping, Financial, Parenting, Productivity, Management Skills, Decluttering, Social Media Use, etc. This final video is two hours long (the rest are approximately one hour) and has three powerful parts:
It’s best to plan to actively work the program each week and review it with your coach during your individual, one-on-one coaching time...but inevitably, something always seems to come up for just about everyone. Vacations, unexpected family and work events, friends, children, pets, a little snag between sessions, etc. Don't worry, we’ve designed the program with this in mind. Sparing you the math, you’ll have a little less than four full weeks of “catch up space” (time without new videos and mastery challenge tasks) during your individual coaching period. This way if you can’t work on things for a bit, you’ll have some breathing room.
Plus, there are options to buy more one-on-one and/or daily support group time if you want it.
The last thing you need to know before we talk about the price and how to reserve your spot is…
Jennie was totally satisfied with her Master Coach!
You might think I’d exclusively hire psychologists and professional counselors given my background… but for the most part, you’d be wrong! I find it difficult to get professionals to let go of the “love yourself thin” mentality. I think they’ve just had too much training that suggests it’s necessary to overcome early trauma to stop overeating.
Instead, I mostly recruit from a base of people who’ve used my methods to overcome their own struggles. I find them much easier to train and supervise. Even if someone has a professional degree, I prefer them to have used the method themselves first.
All Master Coaches have personal access to me whenever necessary, and I meet with them once a week. Results are scrupulously tracked, and we maintain a high bar to keep coaches active.
Last, I have to say, my interactions with my Master Coaches over the years have taught me at least as much as my research and client experience combined! They are all very mission oriented, creative, compassionate, and driven to make a difference. I’ve directly supervised about 15 different coaches who see clients for me in total, and the small team I’ve chosen to carry forward at this time really are the best of the best. Their bios follow. (Please note that while some of our Master Coaches, and/or Dr. Glenn Livingston himself may have a professional medical and/or psychology license, we do not offer to diagnose, treat, and/or cure any disease, disorder, and/or condition, and no doctor-patient relationship is created by your purchase of the program described on this page.)
So that’s my small, intimate team of Master Coaches. As you can probably tell, I’m extremely picky, which is why our capacity is always limited. I do occasionally look for, train, and hire new coaches, but won’t sacrifice the standards so many years of experience have taught me are necessary to achieve reliable results. My apologies if this occasionally creates frustratingly long waiting periods before you can sign up for the program, I do the best I can. However, please know that when you CAN sign up, it means a qualified coach is available right away! (There is NEVER a waiting period after paying for and booking your spot.)
In any case, with regards to the investment…
Ok, hear me out please before you decide...
... but neither will guarantee your success.
With them, you pay your money and take your chances. Plus, good luck finding a spot at a high-quality facility, or a psychologist exhaustively trained to work with cravings. And even if you do get in, how do you know it will work? Plus, has the practitioner you're assigned to recovered from their own cravings nightmare, or are they just professionals who can't possibly know what it's like to feel like someone's got a gun to their head commanding them to "Eat more! Now!?"
Moreover, will the treatment facility and/or therapist share their typical results? I’ve published ours right here on this page! Plus, how do these counseling and treatment centers screen their practitioners? Everyone who coaches alongside me has a deep, empathic understanding of eating troubles and other compulsive behaviors. They’ve used (and still cherish) the methods I’ve taught. And they’ve all been through a rigorous training program I personally designed and taught!
On the other hand, if you'll excuse my immodesty, I believe my track record proves I’m one of the top thinkers and practitioners in the world when it comes to overeating. Through my individual, group, and training programs I've probably worked with more overeaters than just about anyone else. And you'll get access to both me and my proven team for a fraction of the price of the next cheapest option.
Why do I offer this? There are just WAY too many people suffering and far too few real professionals who know what they’re doing, in my not so humble opinion. On top of this, because of the huge demand and miniscule supply of real experts, other options are priced so expensively they're literally out of reach for most people who need help. So, I set out to create an affordable, accessible coaching solution for all, and after years of hard work I believe I’ve cracked the code. Which is why I’m able to guarantee your satisfaction at this price.
THAT is why I say with confidence this may be the best coaching value in the entire health and fitness market. Plus:
My body is rarely at war with food, so I've got an incredible amount of energy to connect with others and achieve amazing things. Not miraculous things - I claim no divine connections worth speaking of—but amazing things via the application of Defeat Your Cravings skills with persistently focused attention. (Note: I'm not a medical doctor, dietitian, and/or nutritionist.)
"Life is a Collection of Experiences" - Jim Rohn
(Since I conquered my own cravings, I've been able to add experiences
like climbing every 4,000+ footer in New Hampshire's White Mountains!)
Howie Jacobson, Ph.D., ("Whole" and "Proteinaholic") trusts Glenn's system, training, and coaching abilities implicitly...and turns to Glenn for help both with his own eating AND for help with his clients.
Wendy Hendry, author of the Amazon best seller "W.A.I.T. Loss" says Glenn
is her go to guy' for her own eating... even though she is a direct competitor!
(DISCLOSURE: These endorsements obtained in an earlier iteration of the book and the program, which has now been improved and upgraded to include even more support, and more importantly, live one-on-one coaching. The Defeat Your Cravings program and the associated book are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, disorder, or condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory agency. It would be unreasonable to assume just taking the program described on this page will result in any guaranteed level of weight loss, the improvement of any physical condition, and/or the reduction in any mentally distressing thoughts, feelings, conditions, diseases, and/or disorders. Many and/or all of these clients could be considered statistical outliers with unique physiology, emotional makeup, and other resources. Then again, it can and does happen. And given the affordable payment plans and 100% money back guarantee, might you not be risking more by NOT joining us? Full Disclosure Statement)
Sally - lost 18 pounds when she stopped binging on candy. Says now that she knows the secret she can't ever slip back!
Susan lost 28 pounds and stopped yoyo dieting!
Vanessa lost 17 pounds with simple food rules and support. (We don’t recommend losing weight this quickly without a physician’s supervision and approval.)
And Susan no longer worries about overeating episodes!
Linda feels her long-term struggles with food have come to an end and she is finally free of the associated mental anguish! (Disclosure: This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, and/or cure any disease, disorder, and/or condition.)
We showed Jennie how to forgive herself quickly for mistakes so they wouldn't escalate into full-fledged overeating episodes!
“I can tell you that many of my doctor friends are in trouble with obesity and overeating. It's quite telling to go see another doctor myself as a patient myself and see them struggling with marked obesity problems. I think that doctors need help and would be interested not only for themselves but for their patients!" - Margaret Fletcher, M.D.
"I would really encourage providers to expose their patients to this program because they may very well be surprised to find out that the mindset shift that [this program] offers could be the ticket to really change this patient's life forever. And keep the change sustainable where they don't have to rely on a medicine or some kind of a fad-diet that's going to fail again." - Carmine DiMartino M.D. - Broad Spectrum Family Medicine
"The majority of my patients are obese or have some obesity complications, people do really want to hear what you have to say, they are devastated by this obesity epidemic [...] and I present [your program] to my patients who really want to change [...] The difference between your program and all the other programs is that [your program] really empowers people!" - Susana Thomas M.D.Family Physician
"So much more effective than [the other things I've used with clients]" - Mary, New York State Licensed Social Worker
Immersing yourself with me, my Master Coaches, and a group of fellow Defeat Your Cravings enthusiasts LIVE for ninety days, including Unlimited Individual Coaching Sessions, Daily LIVE Coaching Groups (many with me personally), the Written Challenge, and Full Length, Step-by-Step Video Instruction on every last step of the process—is one of the absolute best ways I can think of to help you come to terms with the problem and face your cravings square on in a safe environment! We'll help you deal with outside challenges, get focused, stay focused, and learn to really use that one "weird trick of mind" which has the potential to save you from constant setbacks and cravings nightmares.
So let me ask you a question...
According to my previous reader surveys, the average overeater is spending a little more than $18 on a typical episode and has a little more than twenty episodes per month. Take a moment to breathe and take this in please, because that's $375 per month or $4,320 per year!
When you consider this amount is spent every year for the rest of your life, you begin to see just how much money is flying out the window—and into the average overeater’s mouth due to their active cravings. The five-year value is $20,000+. I'll stop there and leave you to calculate the ten-and-twenty-year values, so I don’t upset you too much.
But I do want you to know that while the average reader spent about $4,320 each year at $18 per episode, approximately one in six were at $45+ per overeating event. If you're among them, you're losing $900/mo. That's $10,800/yr. Yikes! (Five-year value = $54,000)
Could it be worse? Unfortunately, yes. One in twenty readers reported an average of $64+ per binge, which is $1,280 per month or $15,375 per year. (Five-year value = ouch!)
SOURCE: 212 survey responses received from my first book’s reader email list. We asked people to check off a list of foods they typically overate, describe a typical overeating episode, and then provide the typical cost and frequency of such episodes. Then we did the math above. (We were shocked!)
And the above only considers the DIRECT costs of overeating. It doesn't account for all the nitty-gritty intangible costs like:
Plus, even if the money doesn't wind up in your bank account because you spent it on other things—like vacations, cars, or even movies and video games for your kids—wouldn't that have a better impact on your life than throwing it down the toilet with your binge food? (That’s where what doesn’t wind up on your hips, butt, or stomach goes!)
Last, if, like me, you’ve struggled with this horrible affliction for years (or even decades), your eating is truly the lynch pin of your life. Without eating well it’s not only your finances that suffer, but everything in your life. Your relationships. Parenting. Work. Mood. Home. Energy. Your ability to think positive. Everything!
But once you've solved the problem, you'll have a completely different life. There's really NO comparing life without vs. with binging.
So, in my not-so-humble opinion, when your Pig says "We can't afford to do this" you should turn around and shout "We can't afford NOT to!" Because even if you cut the costs of indulging your cravings in half to be conservative, I'll bet my left-kidney you'll still see the costs far outweigh what you'll pay for this coaching program! And remember, you can refund it you don't get the results you want in the very first month (see the guarantee section for details), so if you don't defeat your cravings, you won't be out one single dime. Therefore, the numbers above should represent real dollars and sense in your life!
Plus, if you compare our costs to alternatives like the $25,000 some people spend on eating disorder programs, the tens of thousands of dollars spent on long-term therapy and counseling, what you can save on medical bills by potentially preventing diet-related illnesses like diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes, not to mention the physical pain and personal tragedies you can avoid by eating healthier, it really becomes a no-brainer.
Beyond this...
Now, because I want to help as many people as possible your investment will only be...
HERE'S WHO THIS IS NOT FOR: If you're looking for someone to tell you losing weight is as easy as falling off a log, or a program that can MAKE you stop overeating, then this really isn't what you're looking for. There are dozens of programs out there promising you'll lose 30 pounds in 30 days... but we're NOT like that.
My whole team is very proficient at instilling confidence in your ability to defeat your cravings, stop overeating, control yourself 100%, and leave the diet mentality behind. We want to introduce you to a new, peaceful and free relationship with food so you can stick to your plan and achieve your ideal weight slowly. (We find people desperate to drop weight quickly usually don't take the time to eliminate their cravings, food obsession, and other maladaptive behaviors, and therefore rebound back to an even worse situation after the weight is off.)
I also promise you'll get more high-quality attention and guidance vs. any other similarly priced program on the market... or your money back! But it does take a little time and persistence. And you've got to be willing to do what it takes to get there…
We'll show you what we've found to be the right path up the mountain and give you all the gear you need to climb it, but you've got to be willing to put one foot in front of the other until you reach the top. You know that and we know that - so maybe it doesn’t really need to be said - but the internet is a very big place, so this is for the sake of those few readers who might still be looking for that magical "get skinny pill" guarded by leprechauns and fairies "if you only know where to look." This is NOT a treatment which removes your free will and forces you to change. It's a set of VERY powerful tools and techniques, coupled with information and personal handholding which can be truly lifechanging if you use it.
Anyway, you’ve really got nothing to lose besides your cravings (and maybe some weight) because of my…
I really want this to work for you! And it scares me to think people will continue to suffer because they’re scared to take the risk. That’s why, if you're not 100% convinced this program will dramatically reduce (or completely eliminate) your overeating episodes, cravings, and food obsession... AND provide the skills and confidence you came for within THIRTY DAYS of purchase, just email and/or call my support team (or open a ticket) and let us know...
As long as you've actually attended your kickstart session and one more individual coaching follow up, I'll promptly provide you with a full refund. If you're not happy I'm not happy. So if you've made a genuine effort and we can't help solve your overeating problem then I don't want your money, and both your coach and I will refund every penny! (Limit = one refund per customer.)
Listen! I'm not expecting you to decide yes or no today. I just want you to make a fully informed decision, and you can only do that from the inside. You simply can't know what our program is like without experiencing it because it's a very human, emotional, and interactive experience. You'd never buy a car without taking it for a test drive, would you?
That's why I've created this very powerful 100% money back guarantee... so you can actually try our program in full and see if it dramatically reduces your overeating, bingeing, cravings, and food obsession like I said it would. There's NO risk to you! In fact, the bigger risk is to keep doing what you've been doing for "a little while longer", don't you think? After all, how long can you keep putting things off with one version or another of "I'll start tomorrow?" We both know tomorrow never comes, and your health, wellness, and emotional wellbeing hang in the balance. How many more "last suppers" are you going to feed your Pig before you take control for good?
Please note the guarantee is for thirty days: You’ll have a full month to try it out from the inside and decide whether it’s for you! As a reminder...
YES, I WANT TO BOOK MY SPOT! I know that by clicking the "Book My Spot Now" button above I am indicating that I've read and agreed to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement, the Privacy Policy, and the Full Disclosure Statement. I further agree this purchase is for education only, and specifically does not constitute psychological, nutritional, medical, and/or counseling services. I will consult a licensed physician before making any significant changes to my diet and/or exercise routine. I specifically acknowledge eating disorders such as Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, and/or Anorexia require treatment by a licensed professional, and that nobody I come in contact with via this purchase is offering me such treatment, even if they hold an appropriate license. I know this program comes with a 30 day money back guarantee as described above! I also know the program described on this page has been improved and upgraded to include even more support than Glenn's previous company programs which reported such great results. Most importantly, I know I will get LIVE, one-on-one coaching whereas previous program clients did not!
According to our calculations the average successful client
stands to save $335/mo. on binge food! That's $4,000+ per year!
NOTE: To maintain our ability to provide quality coaching, attendance is strictly limited and we might need to close the doors at any time. While we would let everyone in if we could, we unfortunately have to ensure everyone can get the attention they deserve. (Coach to client ratios are very important to us.)
These concise and very powerful video trainings are immediately downloadable after you order the full program, and you may keep them even if you decide to ask for a refund. That's just my way of saying "Thanks for giving it a try!"
Approximately one year after I started coaching clients in this method, I noticed there was ONE Squeal which didn't seem to yield for a significant number of people, with seemingly NO rhyme or reason. They'd scrupulously apply the standard approach, but when nighttime came, all bets were off. Their inner food enemies were like vampires, only coming out at night to feed! For months I just couldn't figure it out.
Yet there it was, over and over again. "This has tremendously improved everything about my eating EXCEPT at night" they’d say, and I just couldn't have that! So, I zeroed in on the nighttime eaters in my practice. I carefully examined their patterns, the particular Squeals that seemed to derail them at night, and any inklings of a solution they seemed to be approaching...
I WAS SHOCKED TO DISCOVER ONE OVERWHELMING SECRET WHICH ALL MY NIGHTTIME EATERS HAD IN COMMON, particularly since they all vehemently denied it until I pointed it out repeatedly. In this FREE bonus you’ll discover:
This was a truly a piercing insight which made a dramatic difference for not only these clients, but the people who viewed the recording I created based upon it. And in this free bonus you’ll get the exciting, new, updated version!
Frustrated with how long weight loss is taking? What if you could turn that energy around and use it in your favor? In this dynamic one-hour recording you'll discover:
Available here for immediate viewing upon purchase!
A very common theme in 12 step programs is the notion that becoming too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired is a major contributor to addictive behavior. But you'll be surprised to discover:
In this extremely powerful, short video you’ll discover the giant lie "Just Start Again Tomorrow" which fools so many of our clients repeatedly. You might know one or two answers to this seductive Squeal... but do you know all twelve? Sometimes that's what it takes!
You will NOT find this information in the book or our free forums. I will go into more depth and provide more valuable advice on this subtle-but-powerful nuance of the method than you've seen before. (Note: This bonus subject to removal at any time. Like the above bonus, we are seriously considering moving this to a product of its own)
The Food Monster often combines the "Start Again Tomorrow" lie with the idea you can take "Just One Bite" for an extremely destructive one-two punch that leaves many clients reeling from massive binges. In this additional full hour recording we discuss 12 ways to beat this vicious Squeal. Between having a dozen ways to beat the "start tomorrow" trap AND a dozen ways to squash the "just one bite" idea, you don't ever have to fall for these destructive-but-seductive lies again!
(Note: Bonus subject to removal at any time. Like the above bonus, we are seriously considering moving this to a product of its own)
Learn how to stay on track no matter what...
1. Even if your entire family has a break down over what you're eating...
2. Even if you're on a 14-hour non-stop flight which gets stuck on the runway for an extra three hours...
3. When you're utterly surrounded by your favorite Holiday treats and everyone else is not only enjoying them but pressuring you to join them...
4. Even when your children refuse to eat anything but sweetened cardboard...
5. When your Pig says "we will never have this particular food again - this is our last chance - and it's really, really good!"...
6. And even when the unexpected strikes!
“Best program I’ve ever come across”
“You really knocked it out of the park.”
So much better than all the other 'bad date' eating programs she's tried... finally found the one for her!
"So very different than all the other programs"
Testimonials and case studies on this page are from actual, paying clients of Glenn Livingston's previous coaching program offerings which included live group support but not LIVE individual coaching. The current program on this page has been upgraded to include LIVE individual coaching.
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